
Showing posts from October, 2019


• THE AGE OF MODERN CARTOGRAPHY•             ( Remote Sensing & GIS) In the 20th century, the invention of the airplane followed by satellite remote sensing technology added a new dimension to mapping and widened its scope through the method of remote sensing. This provided a bird's eye view of the Earth and save time and money required for conventional surveying of ground realities. In the broadest sense,remote sensing is the measurement or acquisition of information of an object or phenomenon, by a recording device that is not in physical or intimate contact with the object. It is the utilization at a distance (as from aircraft, spacecraft, satellite or ship) of any device for gathering information about the environment. The techniques can make use of devices such as a camera,laser,radar,sonar,seismograph, or a gravimeter. Modern remote sensing normally includes digital processes but can be done as well with non digital methods. Aerial photog...

Scale B.A B.Sc Practical HS Geography practical GEOGRAPHY PRACTICAL GRADUATION :- SCALE উচ্চমাধ্যমিক ভূগোল প্র্যাক্টিক্যাল স্কেল ucchomadhymick practial Scale

               SCALE Written by  Firoz Mallick DEFINITION :- The scale is the measure for proportional and true representation of the reduced earth on a paper. The scale expresses the relationship between the size of object on the ground and its image on the map. In terms of measurement made on one to be related in terms of the others. The technically a map scale is the relationship between the distance measured on the map and the corresponding distance on the ground. Actually a map is a model of the real world.  CLASSIFICATION OF SCALE   Scale is mainly 3 types:- 1. STATEMENT SCALE. 2. GRAPHICAL SCALE. 3. NUMERIC RATIO SCALE. 2.Graphical scale is also 4 types :-  (a) Vernier Scale. (b) Linear Scale. (c) Comparative Scale. (d) Diagonal Scale. (a). Vernier Scale is also 2 types :- (i) Simple Vernier Scale. (ii) Double Vernier Scale. (i). SIMPLE VERNIER SCALE :- Simple Vernier Scale is also 2 types...


AREAS OF THE CONTINENTS   * ASIA : Total area of Asia continent is 45,036,492 sq. km. * AFRICA : Total area of Africa continent is 30,343,578 sq. km. * EUROPE : Total area of Europe continent is 9,908,599 sq. km. * NORTH AMERICA : The total area of North America is 24,680,331 sq. km. * SOUTH AMERICA : The total area of South Americans is 17,815,420 sq. km. * OCEANIA : The total area of Oceania continent is 8,923,000 sq. km. * ANTARCTICA : The total area of Antarctica continent is 12,093,000 sq. km.             AREAS OF THE OCEANS   • PACIFIC OCEAN :- The total area of Pacific ocean is 166,241,000 sq. km. • INDIAN OCEAN :-  The total area of Indian ocean is 73,427,000 sq. km. • ATLANTIC OCEAN :- The total area of Atlantic ocean is 86,557,000 sq. km. • ARCTIC OCEAN :- The total area of Arctic ocean is 9,485,000 sq. km .


                      THE SOLAR SYSTEM The solar system was formed about 4,600 million years ago. It is located in the Orion arm of the MILKY WAY galaxy,around two-thirds away from the central bulge,about 27,000 light years from the central of the galaxy. It takes the solar system about 220 million years to orbit the galaxy once. The solar planets can be decided into an inner system of four small,solid planets made up of materials similar to that the Earth. The outer system of four large planets ,knows as the gas giants,has ring and lots of moons. The gas giants are made up mostly of hydrogen, helium,frozen,water,ammonia,methane,and carbon monoxide. Pluto does not belong to any group but is a tiny rocky body at the edge of solar system. Some people think it is a giant comet rather than a planet. Its composition is similar to a comet (ice and rock) but its orbit is different from the other comets and planets. Between these two ...


               CONTINENTAL DRIFT         The Earth's crust is not a single continuous layer. It is made up of a number of gigantic pieces like a huge jigsaw puzzle. Each piece is called a crustal plate. Currents of molten rock rise up through the mantle like boiling water in a saucepan. These from convection cells that drive the moment of the plates so that they are continuously moving away or towards each other. Geologically, the most important things happen at the plate boundaries, including most of the earthquake, volcanoes, igneous rocks,major metamorphism, and mountain building processes. The surface of the earth is made up of 10 largest plates, and 20 medium plates and numerous small plates. The 10 largest plates are :  1. PACIFIC PLATE. 2. ANTARCTIC PLATE. 3. INDIAN PLATE. 4. AFRICAN PLATE. 5. SOUTH AMERICAN PLATE. 6. NAZCA PLATE. 7. NORTH AMERICAN PLATE. 8. EURASIAN PLATE. 9. COCOS...


:পশ্চিমবঙ্গের বিভিন্ন জেলায় বিখ্যাত জিনিস: ★আম 👉 মালদা। ★আলু 👉 হুগলী। ★আনারস 👉 জলপাইগুড়ি। ★সরভাজা, সরপুরিয়া 👉 নদীয়ার কৃষ্ণনগর । ★মাটির পুতুল👉 নদীয়ার কৃষ্ণনগর । ★ধান 👉 বর্ধমান[ধানের গোলা] ★গামছা 👉 মুর্শিদাবাদের বেলডাঙ্গা, উঃ ২৪ পরগনার বসিরহাট, বাঁকুড়া । ★লঙ্কা 👉  মুর্শিদাবাদের বেলডাঙ্গা । ★টেরাকোটা 👉 বাঁকুড়ার বিষ্ণুপুর । ★পিতল কাঁসা 👉 বাঁকুড়ার বিষ্ণুপুর । ★ল্যাংচা 👉 বর্ধমান এর শক্তিগড়। ★রেশম 👉 মুর্শিদাবাদ, মালদা । ★তামাক 👉 কুচবিহার । ★কাজুবাদাম 👉 মেদিনীপুর । ★মিহিদানা, সীতাভোগ👉 বর্ধমান । ★লিচু 👉 মুর্শিদাবাদ । ★চা 👉 দার্জিলিং । ★পেয়ারা, লিচু 👉 দঃ ২৪ পরগনার বারুইপুর । ★সব্জী 👉 নদীয়া। ★মনোহরা 👉হুগলির জনাই । ★ছানাবড়া 👉 মুর্শিদাবাদের বহরমপুর। ★মোরব্বা 👉 বীরভূম। ★মোয়া 👉 দঃ ২৪ পরগনার জয়নগর। ★রসগোল্লা 👉 কলকাতা। ★মাদুর 👉 মেদিনীপুর। ★ কাঁসার 👉 মুর্শিদাবাদ । ★দই 👉 নদীয়ার নবদ্বীপ। ★জলভরা সন্দেশ 👉 হুগলির চন্দনগর। ★তুলাইপাঞ্জি চাল 👉 উত্তর দিনাজপুর। ★ছৌ নাচ 👉 পুরুলিয়া।