This Field report is on Amirpur Mouza at Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, India, 2019. PREFACE A survey programme has been adopted by the department of geography. Memari collage prepared a field report on a rural area with its valid landscape (both physical and cultural) as a part of fulfilment of B.A course(honours) in geography according to the university of Burdwan. For this amirpur mouza of Purba Burdwan, block I, Purba Burdwan district has been related after the specific field planning and extensive field work. The field report has been prepared in title, "FIELD REPORT ON AMIRPUR" In the field report on attempted has been made to study the physical as well as the social economic characteristics at the Amirpur mouza. Anumber of chapter describe the different aspect of the study area. A general introductory aspects of the study area, the frame w...