: TERNARY DIAGRAM :

• DEFINITION :- Ternary Diagram are triangular graphs drawn on a reference from of three axes formed by the sides of an equilateral triangle.

• PRINCIPLE :- In this Diagram tri- component data are plotted in the from of points. Each component is first expressed as a percentage and is arranged uniformly from 0 to 100% along the three sides of an equilateral triangle. Science the component values are plotted on the graph by a single point. The location on the point withing the triangle gives an immediate impression of the compositional character of the simple relating to a certain place.

• USE :- Ternary Diagram are extremely useful in taxonomic problems involving a large number of samples. The most commonly used data for this Diagram are Age composition of population ( young, adult, old). Occupational structure of population ( Primary, Secondary, Tertiary). textural composition of soil (sand,silt,clay). Composition of mass movement process (Flow,slide,heave) etc.

• DEMERITS :- Only three variables can be plotted on a ternary diagram.


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